Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Monster Energy Corsette

BUGFIX: tt_news single limiting view pid_list on

The following problem was there with me today: A Typo3 (4.0.1) project has two independent trees. Let's call the first "Internet" and the Second "extranet". Both trees each have a sys_folder that contain only news items (tt_news 2.4.0). The article "Extranet" so have a different PID than those from the "Internet" tree. In the template I have TypoScript Constants written under the following words:
# Internet TS template plugin.tt_news.pid_list = 19 # TS Extranet Template plugin.tt_news.pid_list = 90 This also has everything in the LIST or LATEST view Trademarks. In testing, I eventually realized that it is possible in the "Internet" tree in the SINGLE view of the manipulation of tx_ttnews [tt_news] variables also read the articles from the extranet. The "Internet" tree was nowhere PID 90 (ie the UID of the Extranet sys_folder tree) indicated.
To fix this, you will simply do the following:
Opens class.tx_ttnews.php in an editor. Examines the definition of the function displaySingle () (such as line 510). This should then look something like this: function display single () {$ single
where = 'tt_news.uid ='. intval ($ this-> tt_news_uid); single $ where .= 'AND type NOT IN (1,2)'.
$ this-> enableFields / / only real news -> type = 0
$ where .= 'AND pid IN ('
$ this-> pid_list '.. ) ';
 and lo and behold - the SINGLE view has suddenly also on your TypoScript. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Where Should Your Cervix Be Before Your Period

Icons in RTE Show / Hide

order in the new RTE (Typo3> 3.8) Icons view, you make the best following in your TSConfig:
RTE.default.showButtons = *
RTE.default.hideButtons = chmod, outdent, ...

You can now remove individual buttons. The keywords you steehen available:
text style, text style label, block-style block-style label, bold, italic, underline, left, center, right, orderedlist unorderedlist, insert character, line, link, image, RemoveFormat, table, toggleborders, TableProperties, rowproperties, rowinsertabove, rowinsertunder, rowdelete rowsplit, column insert before, insert column after, columndelete, column split, CellProperties, cell insertBefore, cell InsertAfter, celldelete, split cell, cellmerge findreplace, insert character, undo, redo, show help, about, font style, size block font, size, strikethrough, lefttoright righttoleft, textcolor, bgcolor, text indicator, emoticon, user, spellcheck chmod, InsertTag, outdent, indent, justifyfull, subscript superscript, acronym, copy, cut, paste

Monday, April 10, 2006

I Am Pregnant I Think I Have An Inflamed Uretus

line breaks in the RTE as the class store

If you annoying the RTE by constantly converts all BR in P, to help with the following TSConfig. Simply copy the following line in the field of your root TSConfig page

RTE.default.proc.dontConvBRtoParagraph = 1