Friday, June 27, 2008

Hands Or Foots Baby Tattoo

View Magnifier for enlarging images (click enlarge) through

So, there is again a new TypoScript Hack by me. This time the problem was
following: Customer wanted a picture on his website that is magnified when you click on it. By default, yes really a problem.
now but will be displayed under the picture a small magnifying glass that does when you click on the same - that is, increase the actual image. In addition to the motion will then be the Bildcaption.

 tt_content.image.30 < tt_content.image.20
1.stdWrap {{
HTMLparser = 1 = 1
HTMLparser.tags.img.fixAttrib.src.set = fileadmin / template / icons / zoom_in.jpg
HTMLparser.tags.img.fixAttrib.width.set = 40 = 40

if {
value.field = image_zoom
equals = 1}


tt_content. {{image.20
value.field = image_zoom
equals = 1
negate = 1}


you actually have to adjust only the rows 6, 7 and 8 The path to your "magnifying glass" has to be right, logically, and the width or height and, as this may inflate the magnifying glass to the size of the original image. This was
's it for now. Thus the motion displayed only if the checkbox "Click enlarge" clicked - the caption is moved only in this case in the Lupenbox.