Monday, November 15, 2010

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Successful R + P Academy will continue in 2011.

Rosskopf & Partner AG, also in 2011, now in its eighth year successful
R + P continue Academy. This training facility is preferred by carpenters,
interior designers, kitchen and Badhändlern but also attended by architects.
following seminar dates are planned for 2011:
· 25 / 26 January 2011
· 29 / 30 March 2011
° 24 / 25 May 2011
· 28 / 29 June 2011
· 20 / 21 September 2011
· 11 / 12 October 2011
R + P mediated Academy neutral by using external speakers and not
company tied the necessary knowledge, know-how and experience around the theme
innovative premium materials. In the two-day training
the theoretical knowledge is applied in an extensive practical component. The seminars address the issues
solid surface, quartz stone and, more recently, porcelain ceramic.
Contact for bookings and further information Carol Rasp is under


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